


The Compass Cluj Sports Club was founded in 13 December 2001 by eight orienteerers: Kiss Attila, László András, László Kálmán Barnabás, Májai Ferenc, Müller (Szõcs) Katalin, Simon (Friedmann) Krisztina, Zsigmond (László) Erika, Zsigmond István .

The Statute of the club includes several sports besides Orienteering such as: Tourism, Alpinism, Athletics, Speology and others.

The founders of our club were formerly members of the orienteering department of the dissolved Clujana and Metalul Roşu sport clubs. The Compass Cluj Sport Club would like to continue the tradition of these two clubs, whose sportsmen and sportswomen won several championships and medals at national and international competitions.

Our club organizes local, national and international competitions; one being the continuation of a series with a long tradition. The Cupa Busola de Aur / Golden Compass Cup, initiated in 1968 by Székely Zoltán, will reach this year its 48th edition.